Getty Watermarks for Water Campaign
Getty Images is removing its iconic watermark to help people around the world who lack clean drinking water.
Getty Images and FCB Chicago created a “Watermarks for Water” collection featuring 300 photographs from top photographers that illustrate the hardships people without access to clean water face. We leveraged Gettys’ iconic watermark, and used it to tackle the water crisis. Each time one of the images is licensed, the Getty Images watermark will be removed and 10 percent of proceeds will be donated to charity:water, an organization dedicated to providing clean drinking water to people in developing countries.
We found Getty Images’ most popular search terms on their site, images that people were already looking for and wanting to buy, and connected them to the issue of clean drinking water, showing how it impacts every aspect of life.
Watermark for water launched on World Water Day. We leveraged Getty Images’ website so when users went to license an image, part of the proceeds went to charity: water to help build wells. In leveraging Gettys’ large social following, and photographer base- our message spread fast all social media channels. While we launched online, we opened the Watermarks of Water exhibition in New York, were images were sold.
Getty Images is also devoting its first-ever homepage takeover to the cause today as well as hosting a “Watermarks for Water” exhibit in New York.
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